The Schlüchterner Tunnel, originally opened in 1914, is a 3.5-kilometre-long railroad tunnel on the busy Fulda-Frankfurt line. As the old tunnel was in need of renovation after almost 100 years of operation and modern safety regulations no longer allow passenger and freight trains to meet in the tunnel, a new double-track tunnel was built at the same time. After the new tunnel was completed, the old tunnel was extensively renovated and reduced to one track. After the renovation of the old tunnel, the new tunnel was closed again and reduced to one track. As a result, both tubes are now used for one lane in each direction to enable train traffic on the Fulda-Frankfurt line to operate in accordance with the latest safety standards. RAILONE supplied the RHEDA2000® ballastless track system for the new tunnel and GETRAC® A3 for the old tunnel on behalf of Bahnbau Gruppe. In addition, an accessibility system for GETRAC® A3 was developed and approved (EBA), so that today's standard tunnel rescue concept with non-railbound vehicles could be used. This complex project was planned and implemented primarily thanks to RAILONE's tried-and-tested solutions in conjunction with the expertise of our specialists for special tasks.