
Metro systems are the lifelines of large metropolitan areas. They transport countless people every day, at any time and to any place. Safety, reliability and comfort are essential for all travelers. This places the highest demands on the metro system, including the track. RAILONE offers its customers track components and systems that have been tried and tested over many years as well as modern and economical track components and systems, both for ballasted track and slab track.

Today, modern metro systems are often designed in ballastless track. The longer service life and ease of maintenance, combined with fast and highly efficient construction methods, are often clear decision criteria in favor of ballastless track. Here, too, the RHEDA CITY system is one of the oldest and most proven systems in metro traffic. Through almost 30 years of further development, the system today offers standardized solutions for all common applications in tunnels, on bridges, or other (artificial) structures. From variation possibilities with highly elastic rail fasteners to an optimized mass-spring system to switch solutions on bridges of various designs. Components for noise protection or tunnel applications in the event of accidents complete the range.